Family Health Strategy (ESF in the Portuguese acronym) is currently considered the model best suited to the needs identified by the National Policy of Basic Healthcare (PNAB), with the following purposes in mind: equity, completeness, longitudinality and coordination of the actions carried out by the Unified Health System (SUS). However, even with 40,000 teams covering approximately 60% of the population, studies show problems in the quality of healthcare in Brazil.
The training of health workers is therefore the solution that should be adopted to ensure better healthcare to the population served by the Unified Health System. This is exactly the goal of the professional master’s degree in Family Health offered by Fiocruz, which intends to qualify professionals so they can work as professors, preceptors, producers of knowledge and managers in the field of Family Health. The project also intends to establish an integrating relationship between health service, health workers, health students and the users of the Unified Health System (SUS).