In Brasilia, Fiotec formalizes hiring local supporters for malaria control - Fiotec

According to information of the project, in Brazil, malaria transmission is almost entirely restricted to the Amazon region where it is registered around 330,000 cases per year. In order to control the disease, strategies are used to ensure early diagnosis and provide a prompt and proper treatment.   

Fiotec collaborators, Rosângela Aragão, coordinator of hospital core, and Daniele Silva, analyst of Special Projects, visited Brasília in August for the implementation of the project Municipal Supporters for Malaria Control, supported by Fiotec. 18 supporters and a coordinator were hired. This is part of the team that will consist of 26 professionals who will work in the States of Amazonas, Pará, Rondônia, Roraima, Acre and Amapá.

The team formed will have as main objectives to strengthen the capacity of health services to guide, with greater efficiency, the actions of malaria control; strengthen the ability to analyze epidemiological data; guide interventions to malaria control, based on the protocols of the NMCP (National Malaria Control Program); develop your work routine together with teams of state and municipal management; promote adherence to treatment; and monitor and evaluate the activities of installing mosquito nets.

The collaborator Daniele Silva was responsible for clarifying doubts pertaining to project execution, while Rosângela made the hiring. Besides the collaborators of Fiotec, representing Fiocruz, participated in the implementation the project expenditures facilitator, Grace Mafra, who acted directly in technical training, guidance on the project, implementation and other relevant matters.

Places of operation

Check out the cities where the team will operate: Cruzeiro do Sul, Rodrigues Alves and Mâncio Lima, in Acre; Oiapoque and Porto Grande, Amapá; Atalaia do Norte, Borba, Coari, Eirunepé, Humaitá, Iranduba, Manaus, São Gabriel da Cachoeira and Tefé, in Amazonas; Anajás, Curralinho, Goianésia do Pará, Itaituba, Jacareacanga, Oeiras do Pará and Pacajá, in Pará; Candeias do Jamarí, Machadinho D´Oeste and Porto Velho, in Rondônia; and Amajari and Cantá, in Roraima.