Employees of Fiotec provide training at Fiocruz Pernambuco - Fiotec

The Project coordinator, Ailton Canuto and Project analyst, Luciana Milanes visited the Aggeu Magalhães Research Center (CPqAM) - Fiocruz Pernambuco last month. During the visit, they provided training on the procedures set out in the Fiotec Performance Manual for the coordinators and those involved in the two new projects of the unit. On the occasion, the employees were also able to learn about the activities performed there.

Luciana praised the visit, commenting on how much the direct contact with the coordinators is significant. “As an analyst, I obtained a panoramic view of the projects that I will be monitoring and I was able to perceive the specific need of each coordinator”, she explained.

She also highlighted the importance of the meeting to the coordinators of the projects themselves. “Through the training, they felt more secure in relation to the execution of their projects in compliance with the Fiotec Performance Manual. After all, our role was to convey that the institution has a complete structure to take care of and to conduct the projects in an excellent, effective and, above all, transparent manner", concluded the collaborator.

Learn about the two new projects of Fiocruz Pernambuco, supported by Fiotec

The first project is about the “Study of the serum prevalence of the diseases transmitted by rodents in the Northeast region of Brazil”. The objective is to bring the information on the populations of rodents/hosts and fleas/vectors in the region up to date, to train human resources, expand the biological collections and assist the control programs of the diseases transmitted by these animals.

The other project assesses the “Situation of trachoma in areas of epidemiological risk in the Brazilian population”. Among the main goals is the accomplishment of the situation diagnosis, by domiciliary sampling, in places where the estimate of the active occurrence of trachoma (disease recognized as an important cause of blindness in the world) is greater than or equal to 5%, in children under 10 years old. It also aims at supporting the carrying out of activities of the primary health care and surveillance field teams in the elaboration of samples and operational support, besides the development of educational and instructive material.