Fiotec supported project aims at strengthening actions in the Technical Area of Children's Health and Breast Feeding - Fiotec

The project "Network Qualification for the Integral Attention to the Health of children and their families in a situation of violence", developed by the Public Health School Sergio Arouca (Ensp/Fiocruz) with the support of Fiotec, aims at contributing through critical reflections towards the improvement and strengthening of the actions and strategies developed by the Technical Area of Children's Health and Breastfeeding of the Health Ministry (ATSCAM/Dapes/SAS/MS).

ATSCAM is the area responsible for promoting the integral attention to the child's health, from pregnancy through to the age of nine, with special attention to the more vulnerable areas and populations. This research will emphasize the following lines of action: incentive and qualification of growth and development; attention to the health of the newborn; promotion and support of breastfeeding; and the prevention of violence and the promotion of a culture of peace.

Project activities

The research shall be performed through meetings, field and scientific activities, qualification of the professionals in this field, validation of the produced and available indicators. In addition, through critical reflections, it intends to give support to the elaboration of institutional and pedagogical materials on the psychosocial and clinical attendance of children, teenagers, their families and the aggressors, aiming at strengthening the National Policy of Integral Attention to the Health of the Child.

Get to know the ATSCAM

The right to protection of life and health is guaranteed in the Statute of the Child and Teenager. According to data from the Mortality Information System (SIM), accidents and violence are the main causes for infant death as of the age of one. The Health Ministry seeks to comply with the determination of the statute through the Child and Breastfeeding Technical Area. 

The objective of the area is to formulate directives, strategies and methodologies to assist the states, municipalities and the Federal District with accidents and violence prevention actions, as well as to provide integral comprehensive health care to children and their families with violated rights.

*With Information from the Health Ministry and the National Council of Health Secretaries