Last month, Fiotec employees, Roberta Sereno de Carvalho (Legal Advisor) and Aline Caputi (Human Resources) attended the First Meeting of Managers of Partner Schools of “Enter Jovem Plus”, in Rio de Janeiro. The purpose of the event was to gather principals of schools and representatives of partner institutions to demonstrate the work performed with 3rd grade high school students from the state educational network, aimed at the professional qualification of deprived and disabled youths. Fiotec has been a partner to this program, together with the Empreender Institute and the Benjamin Constant Institute (IBC), since last year.
Enter Jovem Plus is an employability methodology, by means of social and professional training, of youths that need effective cooperation in order to qualify and become capable of applying for a vacancy in the labor market. The actions are aimed at members of IBC and the Municipal Department of Disabled Persons (SMPD), between 16 and 29 years old, besides students of 30 schools in Rio de Janeiro.
Fiotec’s role is to finance and accompany the project, offering assistance whenever necessary. “It was important for us to participate in this meeting, since we had the opportunity to learn about the results achieved up until now and that the program is indeed consolidated in IBC”, commented Aline. According to program director Mariza Soares, Fiotec’s support has already made improvements possible: opening of new classes, acquisition of new work tools (specific software), production of educational materials, among other actions.
In the period from 2009 to 2012, over 6 thousand youths were benefitted by the Enter Jovem Plus Program and over 40% have managed to enter the labor market and/or have gone on to study at universities and technical schools. Besides Rio de Janeiro, the methodology was implemented in the states of Ceará, Pernambuco and Sergipe.
To obtain more information about the program, access the website