Fiotec supports the expansion of the Fiocruz Day Care Center (Creche Fiocruz) - Fiotec

In June 28th, a reception was held to celebrate the expansion of the Day Care Center for the Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz). On the occasion a plaque was unveiled, symbolically marking the inauguration of the new facilities. Fiotec, who provided support for the expansion, was represented by its executive director, Mauricio Zuma, and by its general manager, Adilson Gomes dos Santos. Also present at the event were Fiocruz President, Paulo Gadelha, Vice President of Management and Institutional Development, Pedro Barbosa, member of the Executive Board and other FIOCRUZ employees.

Very moved, Day Care Center director, Silvia Lacouth Motta, greatly thanked all those involved in the project. “I can only thank all those who helped this dream become a reality, on behalf of the 99 day care center employees”, she said, specifically thanking Fiotec’s executive director, “I need to thank Zuma for what is happening here today”, said Ms. Motta.
In his speech, Fiocruz’s president Mr. Gadelha also recognized Fiotec’s involvement. “This day care center is one of Fiocruz’s “jewels”. For this reason I would like to thank the Foundation’s Human Resource Director, Fiotec and everyone else. It was a pleasure to execute this expansion and we are delivering it into good hands”, Gadelha stressed.

Some of the space of the new area will be used as a cafeteria for the children and employees, a kitchen and also a meeting room. With the expansion, the day care center will be able to take on an additional 50 children and now has a total capacity of close to 320.

fotoFiocruz Day Care Center

Inaugurated in 1989, the Fiocruz Day Care Center is a service provided by Fundação Oswaldo Cruz’s Human Resource Directory (Direh/Fiocruz) and its principal objectives are to take care of and educate the children of Fiocruz employees, perform research in education and health care for infants, promote actions in socialization and learning produced in child education.

The service encompasses education and personal care in an atmosphere for children ages 3 months to 5, as well as a pedagogical approach for complete development, in physical, psychological, cognitive and social aspects, serving as a complement to the role of families.