The National Workshop with Native Health and Sanitation Agents, supported by Fiotec, was held in Brasilia between July 16th and 19th. On that occasion discussions were held on the actions performed by Native Health Agents (AIS) and Native Sanitation Agents (AISAN), to build the AIS and AISAN Qualification Program, which should be implemented in partnership with the Technical Schools of the National Health Care System (“Sistema Único de Saúde”) (SUS) starting in the second half of 2014.
Participating in the event were multidisciplinary agents and health professionals from the 34 Special Native Sanitary Districts (DSEI) in Brazil and the decentralized management units of the Native Health Care Subsystem (SasiSUS).
Organization of the event
Between July 8th and 11th, Project Coordinator Ailton Canuto together with analyst Luciana Milanês were present at the Fiocruz Mato Grosso do Sul facility to help organize the workshop.
In the opinion of Project coordinator, Rui Arantes, the help from Fiotec employees was crucial. “The presence of Luciana Barros and Ailton Canuto sped up the whole process of organizing this big event and allowed us to hold one of the most important stages of the project. I would like to recognize and thank the tremendous professional effort of both of them”, Mr. Arantes reported in a letter sent to the Project Manager, Maria Aparecida Ferreira.