The Desenvolver Confies Project takes place for the first time in Rio de Janeiro - Fiotec

In August 14th, the “Desenvolver Confies” Project, of the National Council of the Foundations Supporting Institutions of Higher Education and Scientific and Technological Research (“Conselho Nacional das Fundações de Apoio às Instituições de Ensino Superior e Pesquisa Científica e Tecnológica”) was held for the first time in Rio de Janeiro. The Project consists of holding a one-day course to discuss subjects and material to provide services in the support foundations, interaction among participants and Exchange of experiences. Already held in Florianópolis, the Project, developed in partnership with Fiotec, will also take place in Cuiabá and Belém.

In Rio de Janeiro, the event was opened by Fiotec’s general manager, Mr. Adilson Gomes dos Santos, who is a substitute director of the Council. “The new Confies administration, elected last year, has a mission to create a more dynamics commission. For this reason, this, for sure, is the first of many courses to come. Today’s reality reflects the need for the support foundations. All participants will leave here with greater knowledge of the difficulties in managing a support foundation and how to run it on a day-to-day basis”, Mr. Santos affirmed.

The course

The program was divided into six parts: support foundations; tax aspects; management of educational, research, extension and institutional development projects, personnel, bidding and similar procedures; and internal and external controls (Public Prosecutor’s Office- Ministério Público, Court of Accounts-Tribunal de Contas and Audits).

The course was administered by the legal advisor of the Research Development Foundation Fundação de Desenvolvimento da Pesquisa (Fundep) and other foundations, Mr.Bruno de Moura Teatini.  At the outset, Mr. Teatini underlined the importance of the subjects to be covered. “We will talk about all of the overall subjects, dealing with problems present in our daily activities, showing common day situations for us to thus reflect among ourselves about support foundations and, who knows, maybe revise our opinions”, he said.

Fiotec employees who participated found the course to be very helpful. “I liked it a lot, it cleared up a lot of questions, mainly through the interaction and Exchange of experiences among participants”, concluded Legal Counsel Analyst Claudia Peixoto.