In September 9, 2013, the South American Institute of Government in Health (Isags) launched an English version of the book “Sistemas de Saúde na América do Sul: desafios para universalidade, a integralidade e a equidade”. The objective is to increase the access of this work, which was already published in Spanish in 2012, and allow this unique systematization of information and knowledge about health in South America to reach other countries. In English, the book received the title “Health Systems in South America: challenges to the universality, integrality and equity”. Isags is supported by Fiotec.
This publication is the result of a joint effort of the governments of 12 countries of the Union of South American Nations (Unasul) which took place over more than a year and offers a detailed Picture of their health systems and also pointing out their principal challenges related to health care for the people of South America and which are oriented by the principles of universality, integrality and equity.
The work
The book is organized with an introduction and 14 chapters. In the introduction, Isags’s executive director and ex-minister of Health in Brazil, José Gomes Temporão, calls attention to the fact that the health systems in the region have been constructed with a central focus on disease and not on health.
Chapter 1 makes a cross analysis of health systems in the region’s countries and the challenges for universalization of health care coverage. The 12 following chapters, referring to each of the Unasul countries, were written based on contributions made by the respective governments and following a methodological guide composed up of 11 dimensions, prepared collaboratively by the countries involved. And, finally, an analysis is made regarding regional cooperation aimed at universalizing health care coverage and Unasul’s strengths and weaknesses in this process.
Access the book through the website (in English).
*With information from Isags