The objective of the “Maternal-child health in Brazilian prisons” project, developed by the Sérgio Arouca National Public Health School (“Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública Sergio Arouca (Ensp/Fiocruz)” and supported by Fiotec, is to obtain information about pregnancy, birth, child development, access to health care and living conditions of mothers in prison and the children. According to research coordinator, Maria do Carmo Leal, the intention is to learn about the maternity experience in a custody situation to allow implementation of improvements. “Our contribution will be to direct development of policies aiming at providing complete assistance to women in prison, helping to maintain family and affectionate ties, and preparing mothers and children to leave prison”, Ms. Leal explained. She praised Fiotec’s work. “Fiotec makes this project possible, providing competent and timely administrative support at all stages”, she pointed out.
Today data on maternal-child health in prisons is only partial. This fact helped identify the need for this study, which will generate data for the Health Ministry’s technical area, the Justice Ministry and Brazilian society as a whole. “We hope to make people aware of the dramatic conditions of this group by showing the results of this study. We want to provide tools for formulation of recommendations to improve health care for imprisoned mothers and their children, as well as creating conditions to favor healthy development of these children”, Ms. Leal reaffirmed.
The approaches are necessarily multidisciplinary and, for that reason, divided into four complementary sub-projects, covering the areas of health, psychosocial, legal and environmental.
Current situation
The field work phase of the Project has already been concluded in all states in the South and Southeast Regions and in the states of Pernambuco and Ceará, corresponding to 76% of the expectant mothers and 90% of imprisoned mothers. At present, the study is in the data collection phase. The Project is expected to be completed by the end of the year, but this period may be extended.