Event launches the CD for the project “Nas ondas do rádio”, supported by Fiotec - Fiotec

A meeting was held in Brasilia, with the radio broadcasters participating in the sensitization workshops for preventing violence, members of the project “Nas ondas do rádio: a prevenção da violência contra crianças e adolescentes”, result of the partnership between the Technical Area of Child Health and Mother Breastfeeding (Atscam), of the Ministry of Health, with the Fernandes Figueira National Institute for Women, Child and Adolescent Health (IFF/Fiocruz), with the support of Fiotec. At that time, the CD with all the activities performed in the workshops held throughout the year was launched. There are 1,000 copies in total, to be distributed to radio stations all over the country.

Two workshops were held in the year, in Belém-PA and Recife-PE, gathering radio broadcasters from community, education, public, school and commercial radio stations of the states of the Northeast and Legal Amazon. The workshops lasting 20 hours each, had as purpose promoting an update of the radio phonic language based on methodologies allowing the use of communication practices as health education strategies.

During the activities, the coordinators mixed professionals from several places, understanding the relevance of the exchange of experiences and the mix of different cultures in the production of materials. As results of those meetings, 22 radio phonic parts were presented, including publicity spots, songs and radio soap-opera. The productions make the CD launched.

Radio as instrument

Radio is considered as the oldest and accessible mass communication media existing. Moreover, it is in almost 90% of the Brazilian homes, of any social class, in the city or in the country. Therefore, radio was chosen as a strategy for preventing violence against child and adolescent. “Radio has an extraordinary social function, as it is inside homes, with families, and this is the place where the violence – physical, mental, and sexual – occurs the most against this population”, said one of the project coordinators, Rachel Niskier Sanchez, in an interview to the IFF website.

Source: IFF/Fiocruz