In September of 2013, the collaborators Flávia Estill and Patrícia Romanillos, Fiotec’s International Projects Supervisor and Analyst, respectively, participated in the course “Financial Management and Budget”, ministered in Cuernavaca, México, by initiative of the International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease. The general purpose of the course was giving the participants knowledge on the financial processes applied in a health system, providing managers with resources in areas like budget planning, process and administrative costs, financial monitoring and control systems.
Over the five days, the collaborators had the opportunity to interact with project managers, financial managers, regional, local and international coordinators from several countries. “Being together gave us rich experiences of professional growth with several Latin American cultures working for the same cause”, Flavia Estill said.
The course
Through the reading and interactive discussions methodology, the classes try to train their students for them to be able to compare the current budget forms and the successful practices; execute and analyze the budgets and cash flows in Excel; identify direct and indirect costs, budget, estimate and budget management; create efficient financial and technical reports; plan projects in a efficient way; recognize different types of problems related to the costs classification; among others.
International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease
Founded in 1920 for fighting tuberculosis, the institution is nowadays a renowned international scientific institute in the scope of technical assistance, research and education. It counts on more than 2,000 members, among organizations and individuals, committed to the same mission: health solutions for low income people.
Currently, the Union funds the project supported by Fiotec “Capacitação de inspetores de saúde para aumentar a aplicação do controle do tabagismo no Brasil”, developed by the National School for Public Health Sergio Arouca (Ensp/Fiocruz). The purpose is to train health inspectors, providing them the skills and knowledge required for using the Tobacco Control Law and setting protocols for applying the regulation.
Know more about the entity.