Brazil-KfW-Uruguay Trilateral Financial Cooperation Activities are supported by Fiotec - Fiotec

Fiotec, in partnership with the Health International Affairs Center of Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Cris/Fiocruz), will support the execution of the Trilateral Financial Cooperation among Brazil, the German bank KfW (Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau) and Uruguay. Fiotec’s Executive Officer, Maurício Zuma, signed the agreement on November 14, in Brasília, before the Minister of Health, Alexandre Padilha, the Ambassador of Uruguay in Brazil, Carlos Daniel Amorín Tenconi, and the head of the International Advisory for Health Subjects (AISA), Alberto Kleiman. The project aims at strengthening the Basic Health Care and the epidemiologic surveillance – emphasis on HIV/AIDS – in frontier regions between Brazil and Uruguay, prioritizing municipalities with less than 5,000 inhabitants.

This is a complement to the Technical Cooperation agreement implemented from a partnership among the Ministries of Health in Brazil and Uruguay, the Brazilian Cooperation Agency (ABC) and the German Government Cooperation Agency (GIZ). While the technical cooperation agreement executes the professionals training, the financial cooperation will focus on the construction of the structure for the service. Among the activities estimated in the program are the construction and renovation of health centers and policlinics in urban and rural areas, laboratories, storage centers, in addition to the acquisition of equipment and materials for those places, among others.

Fiotec activity

Fiocruz will be responsible for the technical support to the project execution and the participation in the program coordination. Fiotec will be responsible for the financial management, acquisition of equipment and consulting services, execution of bids and contracting, account rendering, preparation of technical and financial reports and final assessment of the trilateral program.

In addition to the Executive Officer, the signature meeting was attended by the Special Projects Manager, Mabel Melo, who assessed the Fiotec challenges in the execution of that project. “It will be a triangle activity, involving Fiotec in Brazil acting as manager and inspector with Cris/Fiocruz; an agency to make the same management in Uruguay; and an international consultancy company, to be elected in a tender. That relationship among three institutions will bring much learning to the institution”, she said. 

Pictures: AISA / Ministry of Health