Project aims at strengthening the drug abuse prevention through Mônica’s Gang publications - Fiotec

Fiotec supports a project developed by the Health Scientific and Technologic Communication and Information Institute (Icict/Fiocruz) aiming at strengthening the drug abuse prevention in schools. This is the “Assessment and monitoring of prevention activities regarding the use of alcohol, crack and other drugs in public schools of Brazil, related to the project ‘Diga Sim à Vida’”. The activities include revision, test, print and distribution of pedagogic materials prepared by the National Department for Policies on Drugs (Senad), of the Ministry of Justice, with the collaboration of the company Maurício de Souza Produções.

About 10,000 public schools from 26 states and the Federal District will be benefited. The project will also count on the support of the Ministry of Education, for reaching the community in general by the parents, which will be encouraged to participate. The first assessment will be made with the participant teachers (about 70,000 teachers) aiming at qualifying and measuring the comprehensibility of the pedagogic material prepared. This analysis is essential for checking the barriers and the facilities the educators will have with the material.

The educators selected for testing the material are those participating in the 5th edition of the “Course of Drug Abuse Prevention for Educators in Public Schools” held by Senad in partnership with MEC in 2011, with the intention of training for intervention about the theme “drugs” in the classroom. The Icict aired a website with the main information and with a shortcut for accessing the material already produced.


The elementary school final grade students will receive Monica’s Gang and Monica’s Young Gang magazines. In the high school, the publications will be illustrated with characters of Tina’s Gang. The material includes: Monica’s Gang comic book, activities magazine, sticker album, insert with stickers to be cut, parents’ book, educator’s book, research book, Monica’s Young Gang comic book, Tina’s Gang comic book, cards, memory game, track game, flyers, door notices and posters with the prevention to the consumption and use of alcohol, crack and other drugs as main theme.

In addition to the distribution of the material, there will be also the application of questionnaires with teachers, students and parents, in addition to qualitative interview with the parents, divided in macro regions, age ranges and gender, with the purpose of assessing the project impact on the target audience and the parents’ receptivity to the intervention proposed, and understanding in detail their perceptions and attitudes regarding the theme drugs in school.

Click here to learn more and watch a video about the project. 

Sources: Icict/Fiocruz and Senad

Picture: reproduction YouTube