Fiotec’s accreditation as support foundation renewed - Fiotec

The Ministry of Education (MEC) and the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI) renewed Fiotec’s accreditation as support foundation for more two years. The approval was published in the Federal Official Gazette issued on December 2, and rectified on December 5. As an institution created for supporting research, education, extension and institutional development projects of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz), Fiotec needs this accreditation for being able to perform its activities.

The relation between the support foundation and the institution supported is governed by law 8,958/94 and by decree no. 7,423/2010, which determines such accreditation with the ministries. This way, at every two years, Fiotec’s Technical Advisory gathers the documents required to show, in addition to other legal requirements, its result and unquestionable ethical and professional reputation. 

After approved by the Fiocruz’ Deliberative Council, the material is sent to the Technical Support Group (GAT), instituted by the Higher Education Department of MEC and by the Scientific Development Department of MCTI, responsible for analyzing the documents. The new accreditation is made only after the favorable opinion of that group.  

“At each renewal we have to get information increasingly more qualified and detailed about the entire institution, and the projects in special. That is why we need to rely on the support of all areas of the institution. This is hard work, but rewarding though”, said Emilia Wien, technical advisor, responsible for keeping the certifications and titles of the institution.

Click hereto see the publication in the Federal Official Gazette. 

2012 Activities Report

The 2012 Activities Report is already published in the website and will be available in hard copies soon. It includes information regarding the year: number of projects supported, budget and financial fund management and other institutional highlights. The innovation of this issue was the brief for the projects started in the period. Click here to access the report.