Meeting in September marks the participation of EBBS in training coordinators of Child Health - Fiotec

Between September 8th and 11th, the Quarterly Meeting of National and State Consultants, of the General Coordination of Child Health (CGSCAM) will take place in Brasilia, Federal District. The event will incorporate the Healthy Brazilian Children Strategy (EBBS) - an initiative of the Ministry of Health in partnership with the National Institute of Women, Children and Adolescents Health Fernandes Figueira (IFF / Fiocruz) - with support from Fiotec.

Although the meeting is a usual practice of the initiative, it will be marked by a novelty: the formal participation of EBBS in training coordinators of CGSCAM. Until then, the strategy was responsible for only training consultants, a total of 27 (one per state plus the Federal District), who are responsible for supporting the state coordinators of Child Health. Now, more than 50 engineers will be qualified by EBBS.

"The training that is conducted with the consultants was so well accepted that coordinators themselves requested to be also part of the educational methodology applied," said Liliane Penello, National coordinator of EBBS.

For this meeting, a base text was made available in the Distance Education Platform (EAD) of EBBS about the co-management of collectives. The idea is to discuss the group management methodology, guided by practical actions for the overall health of the child, experienced on a daily basis by the coordinators and consultants.

National Policy for Comprehensive Care of the Child Health (PNAISC)

Another important purpose of the meeting is to formulate the National Public Policy for Comprehensive Care of the Child Health (PNAISC), aimed at children from early childhood (aged 0-10). The document is now in evaluation stage of the Tripartite Inter Managers Commission (ITC). At such time, it is expected that this evaluation be completed so that relevant issues are discussed.

The CIT consists of three levels: at federal level, it consists of an equal number of representatives from the Ministry of Health (MOH), of the National Council of Health Secretaries (Harrison Ford) and the National Council of Municipal Health Secretaries (Conasems).

In the CIT, guidelines, strategies, programs, projects and the allocation of funds of the Unified Health System (SUS) are defined. It is composed of 15 members, five of them appointed by the MOH, five by Conass and five by Conasems. The representation of states and municipalities is regional, with one representative for each of the five regions of the country.

The strategy

The Healthy Brazilian Children Strategy (EBBS) is an initiative of the Ministry of Health to ensure the quality of life of Brazilians, stimulating their physical, emotional and cognitive and social competences and skills.

The idea is to develop publications and other products reporting experiences of organizing work in this logic: proposals for development, definition of monitoring indicators and results of actions taken at different levels of government in partnership with civil society initiatives.