Fiocruz launches "Presevo", a project supported by Fiotec, backed by US$ 5 million from BNDES - Fiotec

"Presevo: Archives of Fiocruz", a project that allows the creation of modern infrastructure and state of the art technologies for conservation and public access to the extensive archives of the institution. At the time, Luciano Coutinho, president of BNDES, signed the agreement for the sponsorship of about US$ 5 million for the project, which will be supported by Fiotec.

Because it is the preservation of the history of Fiocruz, the event was considered a landmark and was attended by the President of Fiocruz, Paulo Gadelha; the Chief Executive Officer of Fiotec, Mauricio Zuma, among other authorities. The president of BNDES was very grateful for the participation of his institution in the project. “Preserving memory is to generate knowledge. BNDES has sought to support the creation of archives. It is a privilege for us to support this project”, he said.

Throughout its history, Fiocruz created large and important knowledge archives. The foundation, being a reference in science in Brazil, is a pioneer and heir of scientific, health and education traditions and practices. These archives have become a cultural heritage of Fiocruz, recognized by government agencies and society. The idea is that, through this macro project, which comprises a number of subprojects with different specificities, these archives can be used, thus expanding the social use.

At the time, the Coordinator-General of Presevo, the deputy director of Information and Cultural Heritage of the Casa de Oswaldo Cruz (COC/Fiocruz), Marcos José de Araujo Pinheiro, presented details about the project. The heritage of Fiocruz contemplated by the project includes the following archives: collections; architecture; literature; biology and museum.

BNDES and the partnership with Fiotec/Fiocruz

Besides "Presevo", Fiocruz has other very relevant projects supported by Fiotec, which are financed by BNDES. About R$ 40 million were invested in the following projects in progress: Reforestation of 344 hectares of Atlantic Forest with native species; Research and Development of the multi test kit using the Liquid Microarray Platform and the creation of a Laboratory for technological support to the production of recombinant human insulin at the Fiocruz/Farmaguinhos unit in Rio de Janeiro.