Fiotec turns 17 and pays tribute to its employees - Fiotec

March could be a month like any other, but one fact makes it special: the anniversary of Fiotec. On the last 23rd of March, the institution turned 17. In view of that, a commemoration ceremony was held today (3/27) and the institution paid a tribute to the employees who have been working there for 10 years.

The chief executive officer, Mauricio Zuma, who is in his second term, spoke about how much he was glad to participate in the celebration. "It's really cool to celebrate the anniversary of Fiotec for one more year. It is a small but very significant celebration. This is a very important year, the year when our headquarters will be ready and I am very pleased to participate in this journey", he said.

Zuma also talked about the tribute paid to Ailton Canuto, Luciene Cantagalo, Jorge Roberto Alves and Alexandre Valinoti for the ten years they have been working at the institution. "It's very nice to see our colleagues being honored for ten years of work. This shows the confidence they have in our institution, and vice-versa. We thank them for the dedication for all these years. And I hope that many other employees work here for one decade", he said.

The general manager, Adilson Gomes dos Santos, was very touched and spoke about the relationship between the institution and its employees. "I am very touched to be here with four people who are representing 300. I have followed up the work and commitment of these people over the years I have been working here. I usually say that this is what Fiotec expects from its employees: a love relationship. Congratulations to all who are part of such a great institution like Fiotec ".


Created in 1998, the main purpose of the so-called Foundation for Education, Research, Technological Development and Cooperation to the National School of Public Health (Fensptec) was to support the projects of the National School of Public Health (ENSP). In 2000, by resolution of the special plenary session of the Third Internal Congress of Fiocruz, it was renamed Fiotec and became the foundation for the support of all units of the institution.

Some numbers

- More than 1,700 projects in several units of Fiocruz have been supported;

- Relationship with over 500 partners;

- More than 600 million of funds raised through the projects.