On 3/31 the event "Health and Culture: a partnership that works" took place in the auditorium of the Museum of Life, sponsored by the Fundraising Office of Oswaldo Cruz House (COC/Fiocruz). The ceremony marked the execution of the sponsorship agreement for six cultural projects, entered into between Fiocruz and other institutions, among them Fiotec, under the Municipal Law for Culture Promotion of Rio de Janeiro (ISS).
Law 1.940/1992 (ISS Law) provides for tax incentives to the creation and development of cultural projects in the city of Rio de Janeiro, a great opportunity for cultural producers to develop their projects. "This celebration is the result of an effort of almost 15 months. I am very glad to see our progress from the first edition up to now, with the arrival of new supporters and sponsors, as well as new projects", said the director of the Promotion Society of Oswaldo Cruz House (SPCOC), Luiz Donadio.
The chief executive officer of Fiotec, Mauricio Zuma, represented the institution, which sponsors three projects presented. "In 2013, when COC invited us to participate in this cycle to support culture, we realized that, more than just a traditional support to Fiocruz projects, it would be an opportunity. Investing in culture is essential to the social and economic development of our country, because it is an essential component of the development process and one of the ways to promote citizenship", he said.
Zuma added that he was very glad to support one more cultural project cycle. "We participated in the other two cycles and now in this one. There are nine projects supported so far and more than R$ 2 million invested. I am very pleased for the participation of Fiotec in all these cycles", he concluded.
The Projects
One of the projects supported by Fiotec is an annual event organized by the major cultural institutions of the State of Rio de Janeiro, in order to promote the development of natural and cultural heritage of Rio de Janeiro, as well as disseminate knowledge to the population, in its various expressions .It is the “2015 Heritage Week of Rio de Janeiro”.
"Mandela Lives" is a cultural agenda that aims to prepare a schedule of artistic attractions in Manguinhos Complex communities. Whereas the project "Masters & Crafts: art heritage and the fresco technique of Bandeira de Melo - paper work", aims to preserve and disseminate knowledge and practices of traditional crafts of construction and ornamentation of historic buildings.
The projects "Telling stories and Restoring Hope", "Past, Present and Future: A History of the Museum of Life through images" and "Memories and Stories in Motion - audiovisual productions" were also initiated and sponsored by other companies.
The Vice President for Education, Information and Communication, Nísia Trindade, thanked all partners and highlighted the wish to expand these projects. "Culture is a right of every citizen, what we see here is a great integration of these efforts focused on culture and, on behalf of Fiocruz, I want to highlight the importance of promoting these partnerships and their continuity", he added.