Event explains the strategy for installing the Brazilian antiretroviral drugs factory in Mozambique - Fiotec

On 14/5, the lecture "South-South Cooperation: the initiative of installing the Brazilian antiretroviral drugs factory in Mozambique" was held at the Institute of Drug Technology (Farmanguinhos/ Fiocruz). The meeting was aimed at the project for the installation of the Mozambican Drugs Factory, an antiretroviral factory. The initiative, begun in 2003, is held by the unit of Fiocruz and has the support of Fiotec.

The collaborators Thais Lyra, project analyst at Fiotec, and Sara Nascimento, area assistant, represented the institution at the event. "This project has a great social appeal, it is touching to know that millions of people will have access to medicines, health, which is very precarious in Mozambique nowadays. I love being part of this project even indirectly, "said Thais.

The event
The lecture was given by the Director of Fiocruz Regional Office in Africa, Lycia Oliveira, who explained that global cooperation is a joint development mechanism between emerging countries, in response to common challenges. She also clarified the reason why Fiocruz has been chosen for this mission. "Farmanguinhos is currently the largest official pharmaceutical laboratory of the Ministry of Health. And it participates in several strategic programs of the Federal Government and has sufficient know-how for the assembly and installation of the factory", said she at the time.

During the meeting, it was also explained why Mozambique has been chosen. "The choice was for strategic interests of the government and among various political reasons, by transferring techniques and technologies to developing countries, without seeking to profit or establishing conditions, Brazil consolidates its position as the protagonist in South-South cooperation", explained Lycia, who also talked about the humanitarian purpose of the project. "There is also the question of solidarity, since the local population has a high prevalence rate of HIV/AIDS," said Lycia.

The factory
Located in Maputo, the country's capital, the factory began operating in July 2012 and the antiretroviral Nevirapine 200mg has already been shipped to the Ministry of Health of Mozambique (Misau). In addition to the installation, the project also trained local personnel of the factory (from pharmacists to the managers), so that Mozambique is able to maintain it in the long term.
In addition to antiretroviral drugs, the factory will meet other therapeutic specificities, such as the treatment of hypertension, diabetes and anemia, diseases with worrying dimensions in the context of public health.