While visiting the exhibition, the audience undergoes environments showing every stage of pregnancy until the birth. Visitors can experience their bellies expanding thanks to a virtual reality screen, among other activities. In addition, they turn into “moms-to-be” and can have a virtual chat with some of the people involved in a pregnancy, as the partner, the physician, the obstetrical nurse etc.
This exhibition has already been to Rio de Janeiro and Belo Horizonte, aiming at a cultural change in different places to ensure the women’s and children’s rights at the moment of labor and birth. It is going to Brasilia in October, in a place not defined yet.
Together with the exhibition, the initiative website enables visiting the log book, with testimonials by lots of mothers, and countless videos with several themes related to pregnancy and birth.
Change in common sense
The initiative is intended to contribute to change the perception about birth by promoting the eutocia (normal birth) for reducing the unnecessary cesarean sections. The main idea is to show the audience another birth experience and demystify the common sense perceptions, reverting improper obstetric violence practices.
Preventing Preterm Birth
“Grand Challenges Brazil: Preventing Preterm Birth” is a partnership between Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Ministry of Health, part of the world programme Grand Challenges. Fiotec, as Fiocruz support foundation, was chosen by the Foundation for managing the 12 projects selected. As a tax agent of Fiocruz, Fiotec will be responsible for coordinating the fund transfer to each of the institutions.
The studies from the 12 researches are intended to result in products and solutions with massive impact in Brazil and worldwide for preventing and handling preterm births in the research areas, product development, preterm services provision and devices for changing behavior.
For more information, visit the website