Fiocruz, through the program Unidos Contra a Covid-19 (United Against Covid-19), will equip the Evandro Chagas National Institute of Infectious Diseases (INI/Fiocruz) with the necessary infrastructure to treat and rehabilitate people with Covid-19 sequelae, providing a better standard of living for them. The proposal is to structure a specialized care center for people with post-Covid-19 syndrome. Patients treated by the Hospital Center, inaugurated by the Foundation and which is linked to the INI, will be the first to receive care.
This action will also strengthen the research network in Rio de Janeiro and the construction of Public Policies to face the pandemic. In addition to being part of the Recover-SUS - Brazil study, coordinated by INI, the initiative has the support of BASF, Editora Schwarcz and the Public Ministry of Labor.
The funds were raised through Fiocruz's Fundraising Office, led by the vice-presidency of Institutional Management and Development (VPGDI/Fiocruz), and financially managed by the Fiocruz Support Foundation (Fiotec).