Funding cuts in the main research fund hinders Science in Brazil - Fiotec

Cortes Recursos Pesquisa site

A survey led by the National Council of Support Foundations to Higher Education and Scientific and Technological Research Institutions (Confies) points out that at least 52 large projects aimed at science and technology will be hindered by the cuts and blockades recently announced by the federal government. Research in bioinformatics, climate change mitigation, nutrition and sustainable crop protection products, Covid-19, and green hydrogen will receive 44.76% less resources than in 2021.

According to the Brazilian Society for the Progress of Science (SBPC), the transfer of resources will drop from R$ 4.5 billion to R$ 2 billion, in a cut to the Country's main research financing fund, the National Fund for Scientific and Technological Development (FNDCT). Thus, a blockage of R$ 1.8 billion is materialized in the Science, Technology and Innovation budget, made official by the federal government in May.

In view of the difficulties also faced in fundraising, Confies points out that interest in endowment funds has been growing among support foundations. In Brazil since 2016, the modality consists of receiving donations in which only the income is used to finance research projects. “In this model, a foundation or civil association plays the role of receiving donated resources, managing them with strict rules and contributing through an agreement with the supported university. And the donor has the possibility to indicate how it should be used,” explains Fernando Peregrino, president of Confies.

Also according to Confies, so far 10 endowment funds have been created in the Country. The Council states that 76% of the 50 foundations heard in the survey have already started the process to create their own. Despite this, the lack of tax incentives makes collection difficult, with the result that only 5% of these funds have already received some donation from private resources.
