Technical program trains SUS (National Health System) professionals with Fiotec's support - Fiotec

Professionals linked to Fiocruz and Fiotec's Project analyst, Thiago Lopes, met on August 19th for the closing of the project that promoted the qualification of workers from the National Health System (SUS). The training offered by the Institute of Communication and Scientific and Technological Information in Health (Icict/Fiocruz) invested in the development of technicians from the North, Northeast, and Midwest regions in the adjustment and repair of orthoses and prostheses used by SUS patients.

In addition to the technical content, focused on the making, modeling, and maintenance of orthoses and prostheses, the training focused on preparing these professionals to meet the psychological and social needs of people with disabilities. "The integrality of health care was a transversal approach to the whole training, in its different and complementary learning modules. To do so, we used the Singular Therapeutic Project (PTS) as a listening device and shared construction of solutions that could meet the singularity of each Person with Disability (PCD), also including the families and people close to them", explains Maria da Conceição Carvalho, project coordinator.

Altogether, more than 150 SUS professionals have completed the training, and are now able to promote a more humane health care, concerned not only with the patients' physical well-being, but also with their mental health and quality of life.

Fiotec, in turn, was responsible for the logistical, administrative, and financial management of all the activities developed by the project, working in partnership with Fiocruz to strengthen the Unified Health System (SUS).