Cidacs/Fiocruz Bahia performs the integration with Fiotec areas - Fiotec


On June 19th and 20th, representatives of the Cidacs (Center for Data and Knowledge Integration for Health) visited Fiotec, with the purpose of presenting the institution, explaining its connection with IGM and integrating with the areas of Fiotec to strengthen relationships. The presentation was mediated by Cristiana Almeida and Fernanda Revoredo, responsible for the operational planning and execution of activities regarding the projects together with the coordination.

Fiotec is responsible for the management of resources received from national and international funders, who generate the capital necessary to maintain the Center and its last generation equipment. Among the funders that support Cidacs are Bill e Melinda Gates Foundation, Rockfeller Center, NIHR, NIH, Wellcome Trust, in addition to resources arising from national TEDs.

“Today we have around 14 projects at Fiotec that are executed in the Cidacs. The Center is coordinated by the professor Mauricio Barreto and, currently, has six more Fiocruz servers, which are physically allocated there”, explains Erica Nascimento, Fiotec's International Execution Projects analyst.

About Cidacs/Fiocruz Bahia

Cidacs is the IGM Data Center (Fiocruz Bahia), however, they do not share the same geographic address. At this place, studies and researches are performed  based on interdisciplinary projects arising from the linking of large volumes of data, within the scope of its platforms: Cohort of 100 Million Brazilians; Zika Platform; Technologies and Innovations for the SUS; Equity and Urban Sustainability; Bioinformatics and Genetic Epidemiology (Epigen).

In addition to this, Cidacs develops new investigative methodologies and promotes scientific and professional qualification. The mission of the Center is to contribute with the production of innovative scientific knowledge to expand the understanding of the determinants and social and environmental policies on the health of the population.