On November 16th and 17th, Fiotec’s Projects and Logistics teams participated in a meeting to train and align the centers participating in project Prep15-19. The study is financed by Unitaid, UN’s organization, and is developed by the Federal University of Bahia, the Federal University of Belo Horizonte and the University of São Paulo with teenagers between 15 and 19 who identify as transgender women or transvestites or as cisgender gay or bisexual men, or men who have sex with other men (MLM).
The goal is to assess the effectiveness of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) to HIV within that group and contribute to reducing the incidence of the virus on the target public of the study. “We involved our performance and accountability teams, our coordinator and our buyers for further integration to the clinical and research parts of the project. Among those goals, we align the flows and budget for 2024, define the agendas to implement the next stage of the study and what will be necessary for that, in terms of procurement, logistics and resource administration,” says Thaiany Medeiros, Project Analyst at Fiotec.
“We have done all the field negotiation part, and we are very close to really starting to have participants choose which methods to use, with the launch of the injectable cabotegravir (CAB-LA). The whole process being run by Fiotec and supported by Fiocruz is really important,” states Inês Dourado, coordinator of the project.
PrEP15-19 began in 2019, in the stage of oral medication, and it now advances to the beginning of the injectable stage with the cabotegravir (CAB-LA). “The study is a groundbreaking initiative in the world with teenagers, and we hope that achieving the goals of the project we can assess the possibility of implementing the CAB-LA in the Integrated Health System (SUS). We are very excited by this new stage,” says Thaiany.