Fiotec is responsible for the financial management of the Fiocruz project to expand telemedicine to the Integrated Health System (SUS) in Mato Grosso do Sul. An investment of up to R$ 5.4 million is expected to achieve that, fully remotely, with appointments, patient monitoring and analysis of results of exams.
Fiocruz Mato Grosso do Sul will be responsible for offering technical support to health professionals acting in remote areas and aim to reduce inequality in the access to health in the state. One of the goals of the project is to use technological tools to improve the access and effectiveness of the service of outpatients in units located in those areas, such as the USFs (Family Health Units), which are the gateway for the population.
Fiotec, on the other hand, will manage the resources to be used in the execution of the services projected. The patients of SUS Mato Grosso do Sul will receive physician-patient video-appointments; videoconferencing to discuss and exchange information among professionals; telecommunication between those professionals and their managers; video education for the learning of service teams; in addition to telediagnoses, which will allow a remote analysis of exams. Initially, the project will be available by 2026.
With information from Enfoque MS portal.