In 2024, Yellow September highlights the importance of seeking help - Fiotec

“If you’re in need, ask for help” is the slogan for the 2024 Yellow September campaign. Raising awareness on the importance of suicide prevention is the goal of the mobilization organized by the Brazilian Psychiatry Association (ABP), in a partnership with the Federal Council of Medicine (CFM), since 2014. The Life Valuation Center (CVV) provides emotional support and suicide prevention over the phone (188 in Brazil). chat or e-mail.

In 2024, the Ministry of Social Security warns that mental issues are in the top 10 causes of work leave. The so-called obsessive-compulsive disorders (ICD F42) bumped from 10th place in 2021, when it was the cause of 49,481 sick leaves, to 5th place in 2023, with more than 80,000 cases. Depressive episodes (ICD F32) caused more than 68,000 medical leaves in 2023 alone.

Professionals diagnosed with anxiety or depression and those who need to take time off work are entitled to sickness benefit. The benefit is regulated by Law 8,213/91.

In addition to warning about risks, Yellow September promotes well-being and stimulates an organizational culture that prioritizes mental health. Fiotec develops support initiatives and experience exchanges amongst its professionals, as well as offering social assistance to its employees. In 2024, the institution created a brigade made up of its own employees, with the goal of offering support to colleagues and directing them to contact CVV channels when necessary.

With information from the portal