New Bio-Manguinhos/Fiocruz building will concentrate the production of reagents and biopharmaceuticals - Fiotec

Supported by the Secretary of Science, Technology and Strategic Inputs and by the Secretary of Health Surveillance and resources from the Technological Fund of the National Bank for Economic and Social Development (Funtec/BNDES), Bio-Manguinhos/Fiocruz is raising one of Brazil’s pillars in the innovation and technological development area:the Centro Integrado de Protótipos, Biofármacos e Reativos para Diagnósticos [Integrated Center for Prototypes, Biopharmaceuticals and Reagents for Diagnoses] (CIPBR)The project resources are managed by Fiotec.

In (CIPBR), inputs such as biopharmaceuticals recombinant human poietin-alpha (used against severe anemia) and antiviral recombinant human interferon alpha-2b, in addition to reagents for laboratory diagnosis for different diseases, will be produced.The new center is part of the National strategic policy of health development.

The same construction gathers - in a new way - the prototype plant so that new vaccines and biopharmaceutical products are developed and the production of biopharmaceutical products and reagents for diagnosis.This integrated concept will allow a better relationship between the several activities, in addition to the rationalization of the operations and technical maintenance, leading to a decrease in such costs.CIPBR will further allow the production of experimental batches under Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) conditions and with guaranteed quality for use in clinical studies.

Currently, the reagents are produced at Rockefeller and Rocha Lima Pavilions, at Fiocruz’s Manguinhos campus.The biopharmaceuticals area will be totally new.The great news is the prototypes area, unprecedented in Latin America.It is expected that the new center is delivered to start its activities in 2013. To occupy the 16,000 m2 area, approximately 300 professionals will be hired.

Source: Biomanguinhos (adapted text)

Photo: CCS Fiocruz (Ana Limp)