A survey showing the profile of Nursing Professionals in Brazil will have the support of Fiotec - Fiotec

perfil enfermagemEscola Nacional de Saúde Pública Sérgio Arouca - Ensp/Fiocruz (Sérgio Arouca National School of Public Health) started in February this year a survey that will show the profile of Nursing Professionals in Brazil. The survey includes a questionnaire and will be applied to 60,000 professionals, addressing the following topics: socioeconomic identity, professional qualification, access to technical-scientific knowledge, labor market, satisfaction at the workplace and in relationships, and sociopolitical participation. The project is being developed with the support of Fiotec, in a partnership with the National Federation of Nurses (FNE), the Brazilian Nursing Association (Aben) and the Nursing Federal Board (Cofen).

Maria Helena Machado, coordinator of the survey, said in an interview to Informe Ensp that the idea of constructing the profile of nurses in Brazil was well received by the professionals of the field. She said the population of nurses, nursing technicians and nursing assistants in Brazil reaches 1.5 million workers, and that they see the survey as an opportunity to improve their life and work conditions.
The project coordination has also created seven working groups for topic discussion. They include: Nursing Profession Conformation; Work Regulation in the Health Area; Professional Qualification and Education; Labor Market and Nursing; Migration, Mercosur and Local Integration; Promotion of the Health of Nurses; and Corporate Organizations and Nursing in Major Companies.

Website launching

The website of the Brazilian Nursing Professionals’ Profile survey was launched last Friday (May 11th). At the website, one can get to know other surveys about the topic, access links of interest and contact survey coordinators. The questionnaire will be available soon for online completion.

Source: information from Ensp, National Board of Health, and project website.