How do I submit a new proposal to FIOTEC?
The first step is to contact the Project Initiation Department at FIOTEC by e-mail (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). The message should include the draft proposal, funding agency, and contact information of the coordinator and funder.
What is the advantage of hiring FIOTEC to conduct the project’s logistic and administrative support and financial management?
We are an institution specialized in managing projects in health since 1998 and have vast experience in project planning, initiation, execution, and accounting and financial reporting.
What kind of projects is FIOTEC able to manage?
Our bylaws cover teaching, research, extension, institutional, scientific, and technological development, and technological innovation of projects developed by FIOCRUZ as part of its strategic planning.
What is the best time for FIOTEC to begin accompanying the negotiations with the funder?
It is essential that we begin participating in the process during the project coordinator’s first contact with the funder, in the draft proposal phase, especially as regards specification of expenditures for the project’s execution, budget planning, and deadlines. When the submission is to an external funding agency, this period is even more critical, since it requires collecting the necessary documents and verifying each funder’s specifications as to drafting, execution, and project reporting
What are the required documents for formally registering a new proposal with FIOTEC?
- Cover letter /call for proposals letter, signed by the director of the unit where the researcher (FIOCRUZ employee) is allocated, authorizing FIOTEC to administer the funds and identifying the project’s principal coordinator. These documents should include the following information: coordinator’s Brazilian taxpayer identification number (CPF), institutional e-mail, and telephone; nature of the project; total amount of the proposal; funder. - Basic Project (signed by the coordinator and unit director) and cost spreadsheet, including all the taxes, tariffs, and related expenses; - In the case of an international funding agency, the coordinator needs to send a copy in the proposal’s original language submitted to the funder and a literal version in Portuguese. Observation: Other documents may be required by the funder.
What kind of funders can FIOTEC receive funds from?
Funders from any level (municipal, state, and federal), as long as the project’s activities involve technical intervention by a coordinator (FIOCRUZ employee) and a FIOCRUZ unit. The funds can come from any funder – Brazilian or international –through service contracts or other modalities such as agreements, memoranda of cooperation, etc.
Are the initiation, execution, and/or financial reporting based on FIOTEC’s manuals or the funder’s manual?
The funder’s manual always takes precedence. In the absence of the funder’s rules, the FIOTEC manuals are used.
Is there a minimum or maximum financial amount for a project to be executed with FIOTEC’s support?
No. The amount will depend on the project’s importance to the funder, as well as the project’s term, nature, and the funds needed for its execution.
Is there a limit on the project’s term?
If the funding comes from government sources, the maximum period is 90 months. For other types of funders, the term is determined by the coordinator and funder. To initiate the project’s execution at FIOTEC, it is necessary to specify the project’s term in advance.
What is the flow for hiring FIOTEC for project management?
For funds received through FIOCRUZ, it is necessary to complete and deliver the cover letter /call for proposals letter and basic project, duly signed. After this, we send a proposal for provision of services to the Contract Management Division (GESCON), together with a copy of the basic project. Finally, we wait for FIOCRUZ to send us the service contract, signed by the parties. This is followed by the elaboration of the project opening term and generates a number to register the project in the system for us to issue the invoice, receive the first disbursement, and begin receiving the orders. For other cases, the flow should be validated by the funder in order for us to obtain the required documents for negotiation, hiring, registration, and follow-up of projects.
What is the precondition for the financial transfers?
The precondition is the issuing of the invoice or receipt by FIOTEC. First, the project coordinator must send the technical activities report corresponding to the disbursement. After receiving and analyzing the report, we issue the invoice and send it to FIOCRUZ/funder for the funds to be transferred.
What are FIOTEC’s hiring procedures?
A working group at FIOCRUZ prepared the "FIOTEC Hiring Manual". The manual was approved by Ruling 005/2013-VPGDI and provides the guidelines for initiation, planning, execution, and financial reporting for projects whose funds are not transferred through FIOCRUZ. The manual and other documents pertaining to FIOCRUZ/FIOTEC hiring are available at the website of the Administrative Division (DIRAD/FIOCRUZ). These rules apply to funds available at FIOCRUZ, whether from the unit’s internal budget (LOA), Terms of Decentralized Execution (FIOCRUZ-TED), or from partners with direct FIOTEC hiring.
What is the average turnover time for a project to begin execution?
There is no specific time, since it depends on the funder, the project’s complexity, negotiations, and agreement between the parties. What types of expenses are accepted in a project supported by FIOTEC? The expenses should be itemized, e.g.:
- legal person (corporation)
- physical person
- consumable supplies and materials
- permanent material – purchase of equipment for the project requires sending a letter of authorization from the unit director. The letter should include the amount and specification of the equipment to be purchased.
- Per Diems - Transportation
- Construction works and infrastructure adaptations – it is not possible to apply this item to FIOCRUZ projects, except in the case of minor structural changes for laboratory adaptations as provided in the project’s scope. Details are available in the Project Initiation Manual.
Observation: the funder may specify restrictions.
Please describe the process for submitting orders to FIOTEC from a project already under execution?
The project is registered in our system, generating a specific number that the supervisor reports to the coordinator, in addition to presenting the analyst that will be responsible for the project. From then on, the coordinator can access all the forms and manuals needed for orders through the Coordinator’s Space.
Can a FIOCRUZ employee receive a grant from the project?
Yes, conditioned on compliance with Ruling 391/2015.